Registration with a general practitioner
Third-country nationals with a mandatory health insurance in Bulgaria have the right to choose a general practitioner medical doctor (GP MD) under the terms and conditions for Bulgarian citizens. In case the person has interrupted health insurance rights, a general practitioner may provide services after paying a fee for the respective service.
The general practitioner MD (GP MD) is the doctor who monitors the overall health condition, conducts check-ups, provides mandatory vaccines, treats illnesses, provides the necessary health documentation, maintains a digital profile of patients with a history of their diseases and issues referrals to specialists if necessary.
Initial registration with a personal general practitioner can be done at any time of the year. Upon initial registration with a general practitioner, a health insurance book is issued.
A change of personal general practitioner is possible during re-registration in June and December. In cases where the person changes the city in which he lives and the address on the ID card, the change of personal doctor is possible at any time of the year.
The initial registration with a personal general practitioner or re-registration is done on site at the chosen doctor or online through the personalized information system for health care of citizens (electronic signature required).
The choice of personal physician for children under 18 is made by parents or guardians.
When visiting a general practitioner, a user fee is due, there are exceptions in which the person is exempt from paying a user fee.
Useful links:
Registration forms for the selection of a general practitioner
List of general practitioners medical doctors with agreements with the NHIF
The multi-national project CONNEcting Cities Towards Integration actiON was co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
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