Enrollment in school

Five-year-old children need to be enrolled in pre-school education, which lasts one year and can be provided in kindergarten or school. Usually, children enter the first grade at the age of 6 or 7. All children of compulsory school age – regardless of their status – have the right to access free primary and secondary education in Bulgaria.

The enrollment procedure for children who are foreign nationals, asylum seekers or beneficieriesof international protection depends on the availability of documents for previous educational level.

– If the children are between first and sixth grade, have attended school in their countries of origin and have a diploma issued by an educational institution in the country of origin, their parents have to submit a translated copy of the diploma and a completed application for enrollment in a school of their choice.

– If the child does not have a diploma from his / her country of origin, the parents apply for enrollment in the Regional Department of Education. This institution directs the child to a specific school with a recommendation for the class in which he / she should be enrolled.


Useful links:

Sofia Municipality: List of municipal schools in Sofia and the centers for personal development

The multi-national project CONNEcting Cities Towards Integration actiON was co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

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