The participants in the pilot business language course in Bulgarian for third-country nationals received their certificates this Saturday, Feb. 18, in an event hosted by SDA. The business language course is part of the financial training program for TCNs, developed under the project PLOUTOS. The language course is implemented in cooperation with the Arms Wide Open Foundation. The course participants, mainly beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine, shared their views and spoke candidly about the challenges to settle in Bulgaria, to learn Bulgarian, find a job and take care of their families. Courses like this one are highly needed, as learning Bulgarian and getting to know the financial system in the country is important for the integration of refugees and migrants. The project PLOUTOS will soon launch a financial literacy course, followed by a training practice business program.
As a member of the international consortium of PLOUTOS, SDA has an opportunity to make these educational resources available to the target groups and thus to support their successful integration in the economic and social life of the city.
The PLOUTOS project is funded by the EU’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.