The 10th annual conference Integrating Cities is part of EUROCITIES efforts to strengthen the dialogue between European, national and local level experts and decision makers in policy areas that are crucial for the integration of migrants in European cities. The importance of involving cities in the implementation of the European agenda for integration cannot be overstated and the conferences are an excellent opportunity to highlight this fact.
The conference aimed to enable city authorities to exchange experiences and discuss the most efficient practices and strategies for integrating migrants at local level. Over 100 cities got together to share their best practices in integrating third-country nationals and discuss local and European-level perspectives for the future of integration and inclusion. The event offered various opportunities for dialogue between local politicians and senior officials from Europe’s major cities, representatives from EU institutions, international and non- governmental organisations, academics, and migrant communities. The conference wass organised in the framework of the project ‘CONNECTION – CONNEcting Cities Towards Integration actiON’, co-funded by the European Commission’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and focuses on “Inclusion for all. Empowering vulnerable migrants in cities”.
Sofia is among the project partners, represented by Sofia Development Association. Sevdalina Voynova was among the conference speakers, in the panel dedicated to migrant access to the labour market, sharing Sofia experience with the Bureau for information and services for third country nationals.
The international conference was held back-to-back with the final Connection event, presenting the guides for cities developed in four areas: city integration strategies, gender perspective to integration, pathways to labour inclusion and one-stop-shop for migrants. SDA co-authored the city guide for access to the labour market, available in English at: