New Survey of the Access to Financial Services for Third-Country Nationals
Sofia Development Association begins a new survey about the access to financial services for third country nationals (TCNs). The survey is part of the project PLOUTOS, which aims to improve third country nationals’ access to financial services via a course on financial literacy and business language in Bulgarian; a course on community interpreting, and a practice business program and entrepreneurship for third country nationals.
This survey seeks to analyze the current state of affairs and barriers for TCNs to access financial services, as well as to identify respective support measures. This questionnaire is anonymous, and all replies will be held securely and confidentially.
If you are a third country national settled in Bulgaria, we invite you to fill in the questionnaire. Completing the questionnaire is easy as it simply requires you to tick various options or provide some short answers; this will only take about 20 minutes of your time.
The survey is open until the end of May, 2022. You can fill in the questionnaire online in Bulgarian click here or in English click here. If you prefer to do a paper-based survey, please visit the Bureau for Information and Services for Third Country Nationals, located at 111 Hristo Botev Blvd., Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 5 pm.
If you have further questions about the survey or the project, please contact us at or (please put “Project PLOUTOS Survey” in the subject line).
PLOUTOS is implemented with the support of the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.