
Bulgaria is a unified parliamentary republic with local self-government and a clear division of powers: legislative, executive and judicial. The country is governed by the supreme law – the Constitution, adopted in 1991, and the laws of the country, and political life is based on the principle of political pluralism.

Executive power

The Council of Ministers is the main body of the executive power in the Republic of Bulgaria. It is composed of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers and line ministers. The Council of Ministers manages and implements the domestic and foreign policy of the country, ensures public order and national security, implements the management of the state administration through the ministries, agencies and commissions established by it.

Executive power

The Bulgarian unicameral parliament, called the National Assembly, exercises legislative power in the country and exercises parliamentary control. It consists of 240 deputies elected for a term of 4 years. Votes are cast for candidates of parties or coalitions for each of the 31 multi-member constituencies. To be represented in the National Assembly, a party or coalition must win at least 4% of the vote.

Judicial power

The judiciary protects the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and the state. The Supreme Judicial Council of Bulgaria consists of 25 members, who are elected for a term of 5 years and form a plenum, through which they exercise their powers. Their meetings are chaired by the Minister of Justice.

The multi-national project CONNEcting Cities Towards Integration actiON was co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

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